Monday, December 7, 2009

Green Jobs

The US Green Building Council just announced a report done by Booz Allen Hamilton that the green building industry could generate 7.9 million jobs in the next four years. The report also said the green industry could generate about $554 billion in gross domestic product between now and 2013 with about $396 billion of that coming in wages. That would be a big increase from the roughly 2 million people employed nationwide by the green building industry that currently pumps about $100 million into the GDP annually.
As many of you know, California leads the world in the green industry. We have numerous green based companies staying on the cutting edge of the green industry most of which are based in Silicon Valley. We have community colleges and universities that offer course work in the green industry. We also have labor union apprenticeship programs that teach skilled laborers how to install and maintain solar panels and other energy savings devises.
The green industry will be a major factor as the US starts to work its way out of this recession. The job growth created by the green industry will help occupy offices and industrial buildings currently vacant and greatly help real estate values in 2013-2015 when we will be selling our buildings.